CPT – Channel Power Tools for Photoshop CC

CPT - Channel Power Tools

I’m happy to report that my dear friend and talented coder has just updated to version 1.1.3 her amazing Photoshop extension CPT – Channel Power Tools.
in order to support Photoshop CC.

If you’ve never used it, CTP is the the Swiss Army knife of Channels Operations (channel chops anyone?), with on-the-fly application of Channels from any colorspace (HSB/HSL and Bogus Black included) and live preview and composite generation of RGB-CMYK-Lab channels. Did I mention that is freaking fast? Well, it is.

To keep herself busy, Cromaline is also the software architect of ‘ book companion – that she managed to fill up with fine scripts and smart user interfaces.

CPT – Channel Power Tools for Photoshop CC is available for sale through Adobe Exchange and the Bigano store.